Wednesday 12 April 2023

Project: Metalbeast (1995)

Designed and supervised by horror effects stalwart John Carl Buechler and his SFX firm Magical Media Industries, all the werewolf suits consist of sculpted suit appliances and a mask fitted with jaw mechanisms. The first werewolf, in the church opening sequence, follows this design with the performer's eyes visible in the mask.
Butler, the soldier attacked and bitten in the church scene, also transforms into a werewolf; this suit has a different paintjob and may have been taken from the same sculpting moulds as the church werewolf.

For the experimentation scenes where Butler has a metallic skin grafted onto his half-transformed body, Buechler's team created gore prosthetics for Butler's half-transformed corpse, as well as another werewolf bodysuit showing the metallic skin starting to take over his werewolf body when he reawakens. Both the prosthetics and suit are barely visible in the film itself, the latter only ever seen in motion in very brief cuts.

Butler is transformed into the titular 'Metalbeast'; Kane Hodder wore the Metalbeast suit, which was coated in a coarse finishing to make it appear metallic. The suit was also fitted with leg extensions and a head with animatronic mechanisms inside to let the jaws and brows emote.

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