Thursday 13 April 2023

Wild Country (2005)

When setting out to make Wild Country, director Craig Strachan was firm in wanting to make a fully practical werewolf film with as little CGI as possible. The werewolves were realized by Bob Keen and Dave Bonneywell, hired due to their experience on Dog Soldiers. The werewolves' blunt faces and hunched backs were inspired by prehistoric mammals.

On-screen, the lycanthropes were realized as performers walking on all fours, under a heavy bodysuit and animatronic head. At least two suits were constructed, distinguished by different fur colourations. The suits were heavy to wear, and combined with location filming in the Scottish countryside, forced the actors inside to have regular breaks.

A werewolf cub is glimpsed being nursed by one of the werewolves; the baby werewolf was realized as a puppet. Isn't it just adorable, though?

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