Monday 11 December 2023

Underworld: Awakening (2012)

The last of the Underworld films to have major use of special makeup effects, as well as the first to no longer have Tatopoulos Studios working on the series. MastersFX took up the reigns this time around, and was tasked with having to provide new Lycan suits. It was not possible to reuse the moulds used for the previous films' Lycan suits, as these were the property of Tatopoulos Studios.

MastersFX was forced to make new Lycan suit sculpts from scratch, using production photographs as basis, resulting in Awakening's Lycan suits having subtle differences to the original Tatopoulos Studios suits. MastersFX built three suits for Awakening, two having animatronic heads. Unlike previous films, the Lycan suits did not have leg extensions; instead stilts were used to make the Lycan performers appear taller.
MastersFX also provided the Lycan form taken by Dr. Lane, the film's antagonist; Lane's form was possibly indebted by the classic Wolf Man design, and was achieved as a series of prosthetic appliances. Much of the footage of the Lane wolfman was edited in post-production to have a gored face superimposed with CGI.
Despite not being officially attached to the project, Patrick Tatopoulos and Steve Wang still provided the design of the film's two new Lycans; the sickly 'tunnel Lycans' and the gigantic 'Uber Lycan', both of which would be digital creations provided by Luma Pictures. Tatopoulos provided the concept art for how the two new monsters would look. Wang in turn then provided maquettes for the new Lycans to be scanned for Luma's animators. Wang's initial sculpture of the Tunnel Lycan showed how emaciated its body was...
...with his final painted version showing its pale flesh and putrid sores, giving a clearer reference of what the finished model would look like for Luma's animators.
A full-size sculpture of the Tunnel Lycan head was also (sculpted and painted by Werner Pretorius), with copies made for the performers to wear as a reference when filming to be replaced by the CGI models.
Wang also provided a maquette of the Uber Lycan to be scanned for Luma's animators; the skin textures and fur would be added during the animation process.

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