Sunday 3 December 2023

Earth 2 (1994)

The creature effects for Earth 2 were handled by Greg Cannom, with John Logan acting as creature effects supervisor and Keith Vanderlaan as creature effects coordinator. Cannom's team had to realize three distinct alien species to be encountered by the human protagonists; the primate-like Koba, the humanoid Terrians and the rhino-like Grendler. The Koba creature was realized as an animatronic puppet with articulated head and eye movements.
The Terrians were designed to have a slightly wood-like texture in their appearance, and were realized as sculpted foam latex with spandex suits underneath, with slip latex masks for the face; the seams of the costume were hidden with burlap fabric.
Lastly were the Grendlers, realized as performers in large costumes and animatronic masks; according to a news article at the time, the Grendler masks had eighteen servo motors which were worked by operators via remote control, and the actor inside would be able to see what was going on thanks to a small TV screen installed in the mask, attached to a camera in a pinhole between the mask's eyes.

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